Bengt Blendulf – Video Bio

Bengt Blendulf is president/principal lecturer of EduPro US, Inc. Educated in Sweden, he moved to the United States in 1974 to start a subsidiary for a Swedish fastener manufacturer. Bengt also served for eight years on the faculty in the College of Engineering and Science at Clemson University.

Dr. Duncan Darby – Video Bio

Dr. Duncan Darby, Associate Professor for the Packaging Science Department at Clemson University, is a recognized expert in the use and manufacture of flexible packaging. He has over 20 years of experience in the flexible packaging industry, developing and providing technical support for sealable packaging materials for dairy products, shelf-stable products, beverages, dry products, confectionery products and pharmaceutical products.

Timothy J. Walker – Video Bio

Timothy J. Walker is an internationally recognized expert and consultant in web handling and winding processes and president of TJWalker and Associates, Inc. He specializes in design, development, and education for handling and winding web products, helping many clients in their development of thinner, wider, faster, more precise, or more integrated processing.